Dad Builds Amazing Wheelchair For Toddler Daughter And Changes Her Life For The Better!

Baby Evelyn was such a gift to Brad and Kim Moore Of Edmonton. Their first child was a bundle of joy and the little family was loving their new groove. Then just four months into baby Evelyn’s life doctors noticed a large lump on her tiny spine. They soon discovered that the lump was a tumor. The neuroblastoma tumor was stage four and unable to be removed. Young Evelyn had to go through eight rounds of chemotherapy

The chemo was far from easy but Evelyn is finally in remission and looking to the future. Unfortunately, the tumor has made it so that Evelyn will not be able to walk, paralyzed from the arms down. The good news is, the Moore family is made of strength and love and will do anything to make it so that their miracle baby can enjoy freedom on the day to day.

Some Babies Learn To Crawl But Evelyn Has Another Way!

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