Doctors Reveal To Mom : She’s Having Third Set Of Twins In 2 Years!

he past two years have been a whirlwind for Kansas City mother Danesha and her fiancé, Jeffrey. Twenty-six months ago, Danesha gave birth to Danarius, whose twin brother died shortly after birth from complications of prematurity.

Then, just 14 months later, Danesha welcomed a second set of twins, girls Delilah and Davina. They are now 1 year old.

Danesha, 20, says that people consider her a “freak of nature,” especially when they learn that she has taken absolutely no fertility treatments for any of her pregnancies. Since she reportedly has a condition in which she releases more than one egg per month, “…you have two eggs simultaneously coming down the tubes getting ready to be fertilized,” says Dr. Elizabeth Wickstrom of Shawnee Mission Medical Center. Luckily, Danesha loves babies, and she and Jeffrey don’t mind the sleepless nights.

But in June 2016, Danesha and Jeffrey went to the doctor and received news of a third pregnancy that left them completely stunned. And according to one report, the odds of this happening are one in 88,000!

Watch the video below for the surprise twist, and please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!


